mandag 31. januar 2011


Today me and my class watched a movie called ”Crash”. It’s a movie about multiculturalism in an American society where we get to see how the different cultures and their following prejudices affect each other. My first impression after seeing this movie was that I’ve never thought about it like that before. That people have developed different meanings against other races and cultures than their own, and that those may lead up to terrible and unfair conflicts and consequences. An example on this is when the policeman touches the dark skinned women while controlling her and her husband. The policeman overreacts, and does unnecessary checks on them just because of their color. The couple doesn’t want to get in to trouble, and therefore have to act like the policemen ask. I think this scene is horrible. They show that just because the couple is black, they can treat them disrespectably. But an even worse scene is when the other policeman picks up a black hitch-hiker. The hiker is going to take something out of his pocket, but the policeman thinks it's a gun and then shoots the poor man. This shows us how bad the prejudices are! We always think the worst of each other. Our fear drives us outside of the road of humanity. It seems like everyone fears the worse, and thereof wants to protect themselves against anything. It’s a bit sad, especially in this case when innocent people are affected the worse.

tirsdag 18. januar 2011

Behavior among businesspeople

During the beginning of February this year I am going to be stationed in my mentor’s business at NRK. This is a television channel which brings up news and other programs like comedies and documentaries. When I am visiting this place, my behavior really counts. I cannot act like a fool, neither precocious.

I should act like a nice girl, definitely. When you seem like a positive person it’s a lot easier to take contact, and the connection between us is alpha omega. I have to show him that I’m interested in what this job is about. Questioning and an open dialog I have to be prepared to. This job actually is a bit unknown to me. I’m not all clear about what they are doing at NRK. I know they are producing television programs, but I want to figure out all the tuff work that’s behind the scenes, and to do that I have to show that I really want to be there and learn from them.

When I visit NRK I have to know how to definitely not act as well. To be lazy is among the stupidest things to do while learning from my mentor. When I’m lazy I seem uninterested, and then my mentor is thinking about me like an unmotivated person. It’s important to not be late, too! That is some of the most unreliable ways of acting, and it’s not smart to seem like a person you cannot trust on in a job situation – especially when I’m visiting a business I perhaps would like to work at later in life.