tirsdag 7. juni 2011

Mates, Dates And Cosmic Kisses

The book is about the hip teenage girl from London named Isobel Foster (or Izzie if you like). Together with her best girlfriends, Lucy and Nesta, she experiences the unexpected opportunities and letdowns with being a teenager. She gets in trouble, makes unwise choices and falls head over heels for the most handsome boy in town. This is where the real conflict in the book begins, when Izzie gets to know what boys are and what they actually are able to do with the girls’ feelings. After her first sight at Mark, which is the name of her lover boy, Izzie can’t think of any other thought than him. They met at the mall, exchanged telephone numbers and Mark told Izzie he would promise to give her a call. But, in Izzie’s desperation, he never gives her the wanted call, which makes Izzie go insane. All she can think about is this Mark. All she talks about is Mark and how cute his blue eyes are and how nice his brown hair is. Everything she does, she does in preparation of getting the call from Mark. Izzie stops spending her spare time with Lucy and Nesta, just in case Mark calls on her phone at home while she’s hanging out. She gets desperate after his call, and suddenly the phone rings.

Further on in the book Izzie has problems with Mark, and after a while back and forth she finally admits to herself that he’s not that interested as she thought at first. In the end she dumps him, and promises to herself that she’s never going to fall for a stupid boy with cute, blue eyes ever again. As soon as spoken Izzie meets another guy named Ben, who seems unusually kind to be a boy. They get along well, and exchange telephone numbers after a while, but this time Izzie tells Ben that she is the one who is going to make the call. She has turned the game upside down, and will never wait for a boy to call ever again.

tirsdag 1. mars 2011

A famous English person

Orlando Jonathan Blanchard Bloom was born in Canterbury, Kent, England on January 13, 1977. The man he briefly knew as his father Harry Bloom, was a legendary political activist who fought for civil rights in South Africa. But Harry died of a stroke when Orlando was only four years old. After that, Orlando and his older sister, Samantha Bloom, were raised by their mother, Sonia, and family friend, Colin Stone. When Orlando was 13, Sonia revealed to him that Colin was actually his biological father.

Orlando attended St. Edmunds School in Canterbury, but struggled in many courses because of dyslexia. He did embrace the arts, however, and enjoyed pottery, photography and sculpturing. He also participated in schools plays and was active at his local theatre.

At the age of 16, he moved to London and joined the National Youth Theatre, spending two seasons there and gaining a scholarship to train with the British American Drama Academy. Like many young actors, he also auditioned for a number of television roles to further his career, landing bit parts in British television shows like “Casualty” (1986) and “Smack the Pony” (1999). Then he attended the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. It was there, in 1998, that Orlando fell three stories from a rooftop terrace and broke his back. Despite fears that he would be permanently paralyzed, he quickly recovered and returned to the stage.

As fate would have it, seated in the audience one night in 1999 was a director named Peter Jackson. He asked Orlando to audition for his new set of movies. After graduating from Guildhall, Orlando began work on the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy.

Today, he is one of the busiest and most sought-after actors in the whole world. He is also married to the Victoria’s Secret model, Miranda Kerr. They have a son together, called Flynn.

By Oda and Rebecca

mandag 31. januar 2011


Today me and my class watched a movie called ”Crash”. It’s a movie about multiculturalism in an American society where we get to see how the different cultures and their following prejudices affect each other. My first impression after seeing this movie was that I’ve never thought about it like that before. That people have developed different meanings against other races and cultures than their own, and that those may lead up to terrible and unfair conflicts and consequences. An example on this is when the policeman touches the dark skinned women while controlling her and her husband. The policeman overreacts, and does unnecessary checks on them just because of their color. The couple doesn’t want to get in to trouble, and therefore have to act like the policemen ask. I think this scene is horrible. They show that just because the couple is black, they can treat them disrespectably. But an even worse scene is when the other policeman picks up a black hitch-hiker. The hiker is going to take something out of his pocket, but the policeman thinks it's a gun and then shoots the poor man. This shows us how bad the prejudices are! We always think the worst of each other. Our fear drives us outside of the road of humanity. It seems like everyone fears the worse, and thereof wants to protect themselves against anything. It’s a bit sad, especially in this case when innocent people are affected the worse.

tirsdag 18. januar 2011

Behavior among businesspeople

During the beginning of February this year I am going to be stationed in my mentor’s business at NRK. This is a television channel which brings up news and other programs like comedies and documentaries. When I am visiting this place, my behavior really counts. I cannot act like a fool, neither precocious.

I should act like a nice girl, definitely. When you seem like a positive person it’s a lot easier to take contact, and the connection between us is alpha omega. I have to show him that I’m interested in what this job is about. Questioning and an open dialog I have to be prepared to. This job actually is a bit unknown to me. I’m not all clear about what they are doing at NRK. I know they are producing television programs, but I want to figure out all the tuff work that’s behind the scenes, and to do that I have to show that I really want to be there and learn from them.

When I visit NRK I have to know how to definitely not act as well. To be lazy is among the stupidest things to do while learning from my mentor. When I’m lazy I seem uninterested, and then my mentor is thinking about me like an unmotivated person. It’s important to not be late, too! That is some of the most unreliable ways of acting, and it’s not smart to seem like a person you cannot trust on in a job situation – especially when I’m visiting a business I perhaps would like to work at later in life.

fredag 19. november 2010

Wandering Girl


Homesick, scared, young and native

Servant to Mr. and Mrs. Bigelow

Who loves to be around nice people, beautiful cups and red carpets

Who feels dispirited, worthless and humiliated

Who needs consideration, freedom and her family

Who fears to be tired, not good enough and loose her identity

Who gives service, care and her soul

Who wishes to experience to be accepted, loved and appreciated

She lives in the garage of a villa


tirsdag 16. november 2010

Dear Diary

Today my living hell has started for real. My dearest Natasha was taken away from us – me, my husband and our two left children. A man dressed in suit driving a fancy car, appeared in our backyard forcing my little daughter at the age of ten into his hands. He said he had the right to do it. He had some papers telling us that he was only following the law of Australia, the law that has given the government a privilege to take Aboriginal children away from their parents against their desire. I can’t believe this is how the world is like! As a matter of fact we, the native people of Australia, are treated worse than animals. I feel like a stunted offspring, which I know I’m not! We are just as good as the white people, perhaps better. We’ve got some respect to other creatures, at least. We wouldn’t treat them like they are treating us. It’s not humanly! Just because we have colored skin, dark hair and live whit and of the nature, they are looking at us like we are some kind of monkeys. What have we done wrong for deserving such a cruel destiny like this? And my dearest Natasha, what life is she going to get? Is the man going to place her at any cruel reservation, or in the house of a white family? And will I ever get the chance to see her again? Will she turn into an English-speaking person, and then her Aboriginal distinctive stamps will disappear forever? I’m so broken. It feels like the stupid man took a piece of my heart while kidnapping my child lovely girl. How am I going to live without her? She was my pearl, the pearl of my heart.

torsdag 28. oktober 2010

My travel blog, POST 3

Hi there! I’ve got some horrifying news for you all. I read the newspaper of India this morning, and guess what has happened!? A train that ran from Kolkata to Mumbai have traced off its track and collided into another train during this night. So far, as many as 90 human beings have been found killed as a result of the crash, and this number is expected to rise after the seeking through of the two last chariots of the train is done. According to the civil defender of the province, Srikumar Mukherjee, still 70 people are missing after the collision, and these are probably dead.

The worst part of it all is that the domestic minister asserts that the tracing off the track not was an accident. In his opinion this was a plan of sabotage done by maoistic rebels. The Indian government claims that the tracks have been destroyed by a placed bomb. As a result of the fact that the maoistic rebels have done such things before and that the collision happened in a maoistic territory, they are the main suspects in this case.

I think this is some horrible news. 160 people are likely dead, and the maoistic rebels are charged as responsible of the collision. What if it actually was an accident and the maoistic “rebels” didn’t do anything? And on the other side, what about the poor families to the killed ones? Oh, I hate this kind of news! It only makes me feel sad and useless. All the time it happen so much bad things in this world, and we who are lucky enough to live in Norway, which is so safe and rich, never have to experience that side of life. We simply can’t imagine how lucky we are!

I’m heading back to my beloved country this evening. My dear family is waiting for me at the airport. I can’t wait to catch my eyes on them and tell them about every little thing I have experienced during my stay here in India. Hopefully this isn’t my last visit in this huge, colorful, tasty and exotic country, but until next time; take care! I’ll miss you all.